Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Personal View On Vivisection

I never knew what Vivisection was until I read this section of the anthology. For those of you who don't know, my personal definition would be the act of "experimentation [on animals]...for those who hope to find remedies for human ill[nesses]" (373). Who in their right mind would do such an awful thing? Animals are living things too. They have hearts that beat in unison like us. They have sense. They have families. They have feelings too. What makes it right for us to inflict suffering on animals, basically living things that are no different from us? We breathe the same air. We roam the same lands. Heck, the world would be different today if it weren't for animals. Every living animal has made an impact in history. We shouldn't be testing on live animals.

We all know that "the practice of vivisection will never be extended so as to include human subjects," which leads me to thinking even deeper into the crevices of this subject (382). I literally laid on my bed and pondered about this subject as I was diving into my afternoon nap. To me, that moment in time is the best time to think because your in calamity and solitude. Science shouldn't be the cause of suffering to others just for the sake of the advancement of our human race. That's just not right. Just because we're the elites of  hierarchy doesn't mean it gives us the right to impose such cruel acts. "Let justice...[in] science" instead rather than hurt others in the process (385). In biology, this would be considered a parasitic relationship. One benefits while the other suffers. We don't need to do this for survival. I know for a fact that we could resort to other experiments such as in vitro ones, where cells in tests tubes are used in tests rather than a living animal.

When I think of us humans inflicting pain and "killing... animals in... inhumane manners... [for] experimental aims," I feel uncomfortable (388). I feel as though God has given us animals not for that reason. I feel God has given us animals for the reason of working to together, the reason of living together in peace and harmony. I can understand dissecting an already dead animal, but in vivisection, it is the "dissecting [of] a live animal" (388). How would you feel if I tied you up and cut open your chest plate just to see if your heart looks like? It is simple stuff like that, which makes me conjure up reasons to defend against the act of vivisection. What happen to God deciding who lives longer than others? "Nature...[is] no longer the wrath of...[the] lord" because we ourselves are making unnecessary changes ourselves (388). I believe vivisection should be put to an end. Julie C. felt a "mixture of guild, melancholy, and regret" when she brought mice into the euthanasia room (396). This is basically the feelings that all of us should feel if you kill a living thing, otherwise, your not human.

The Anthology


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