Sunday, November 28, 2010

Acquired Taste

As I was reading through the Acquired Taste section of Why We Love Dogs Eat Pigs and Wear Cows, I realized that what Melanie Joy, the author says is true. Usually I would question such things, but this time I'm not because I myself am living proof. It is said that "in China, people eat animals' penises because they believe these organs affect sexual function," which leave me wondering why my grandparents had a lions penis when I went back to Hong Kong (443). I thought it was weird to have such a thing lying around the house, so first thing I did was ask them why they have it. Sure enough, it was used to make soup. I was disgusted, but I can't question my grandparents. They are very traditional, and at times, their traditional remedies have cured me for the better. Just as Melanie says, "The most obvious feeling we lose is disgust," which is exactly how I felt when my grandparents whooped out the lion penis soup. Yuck! Of course I never got the courage to drink it.



As I read on, I came across Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's work, The Face On Your Plate. What he emphasized in was our denial, our "DENIAL IN THE LARGEST SENSE in which we so often use it today... as a psychic defense against an over whelming reality" (478). What he is is true. There are just those times that make you want to belief it isn't true, but it is, which leads me to my next subject, vegetarians. Why did people all of a sudden turn into vegetarians? Are vegetables that tasty? In my stand point, I believe its because they've seen reality and accepted it. They know know out processed meats are made. They know the processes and are disgusted. They realize that we kill innocent animals just for our satisfaction, but what some do is deny that fact. Some say it's because "We need meat to live in a healthy manner," or a simple excuse such as "I was raised that way" (477). Everyone has their reasons, but sometimes, I believe its either straight up ignorance and denial rather than not informed.



The Anthology


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